Have you ever felt groggy and not in the mood to keep going?
Let’s face it - it happens to everyone.
No one is motivated 24/7. People who succeed at the highest level find ways to stay disciplined to show up for themselves. Even when they are not motivated and would rather stay in bed to watch TV along with a chocolate molten lava cake on their lap!
Motivation comes and goes, it can be a roller coaster ride. Results however, need consistency to work on the inside and show up on the outside.
Here are 3 mindset shifts that will help you stay disciplined when you feel like quitting.
→ Remember why you started.
It is vital to know why you are doing what you are doing. Is it to feel confident in your skin? To be healthy on the inside out? To finally lose the weight once and for all? To create the lifestyle you desire? Find time to step back and remind yourself of why you are doing what you are doing. Don’t focus on the little details, focus on the big picture. Talk about your goals and dreams with people you trust and will lift you up when your motivation is low.
→ Focus on what you want.
You have to know exactly what you want, in as much detail as possible, to give yourself the best chance of success. The clearer your vision, the more likely you can make it happen. Clarity leads to creating a clear action plan to go from A to B. Without clarity, it's easy to tell yourself that it doesn’t matter and give into the lack of motivation.
→ You must recharge. Success is a marathon, not a sprint. If you are anything like me, it is easy to be all or nothing. While you’ll need to move fast and take massive action at times, don't get stuck in the 24/7 workflow. This will lead to burnout which will crush your motivation levels and ultimately leads to burnout. Find ways to recharge so you can come back strong than ever.
Close your eyes and picture yourself where you want to be, how do you want to feel and what will you wear. When you catch yourself starting to drift, asses what you need, maybe its hormonal or maybe you need to reset. Either way, be encouraged! You are not the only one who feels this way at times, discipline will out win the motivational roller coaster ride....
YOU GOT THIS! I believe in you!
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