When I started my journey to losing over 50 pounds, I really struggled with dreading how long it was going to take me to lose the weight. I was well aware that the weight wasn't going to fall off overnight, but thinking about how long it was going to take was a bit discouraging. The thoughts of…
"Will this really work"?
"Can I truly commit to this journey after one month passes by"?
I was constantly torn between wanting to feel better, but dreading how long it would take. My mindset needed a different perspective! Focus on the end goal and my action steps for the present day. If I consistently made good choices, I would lose the weight I wanted to lose. What if you focused on today? Just the next 24 hours in front of you. What could you do daily to move the needle and close the gap of where you are and where you want to go?
Drinking more water.
Going for a walk.
Taking the stairs.
Going to bed a little earlier.
Eating extra veggies.
Passing on the mindless snacking
All of the little things are what add up to big results. It is easy to overlook the little things, but the little things add up to the big weight loss results you want. The little things are what help you create healthy habits, feel good in your jeans, have more energy and feel more confident. Once I made that shift, it felt totally doable. Win the day. Then do it again tomorrow. And all of those little wins add up! This is how healthy habits are formed. Lots of small choices that add up and become consistent healthy habits.
Be encouraged my friend, I'm cheering you on!
A few ideals to help you feel good along the way!